Hi! I’m Farah.

I’m a certified sleep consultant and a busy working mom. I am passionate about sleep and maternal mental health.

I have a BA from Stanford University, an MBA from London Business School, and a successful career in tech. For most of my career I have solved challenging business problems for a living - and now I have stumbled upon what I think is my most interesting challenge yet: infant sleep.

I am obsessed with the power of good sleep.

You are likely here because you have recently welcomed a small human into the world and you are wondering if you will ever sleep again. I promise, you will.

There was a time not so long ago when I found myself wondering the same thing. I know firsthand how relentless sleep deprivation can disrupt your whole household - there were times in my son Adam’s first few months when he woke up so much every night that even our dog was sleep deprived and cranky.

I also know how transformative it can be for everyone involved to finally get a good night’s rest. When Adam was about five months old, deep in a daze of exhaustion and mental fog, I decided that something needed to change.

I needed to invest in my family’s sanity. My boy needed his rest so he could grow and thrive, and I needed mine so that I could be the happy and engaged parent that he deserved.

And so began my journey of learning about the science of sleep.

Within just a few days, Adam was getting 11-12 solid hours of sleep per night, napping without fuss, and we were all (dog included) well rested, happier and saner as a result. 

I can tell you without hesitation that investing in Adam’s sleep completely changed my life.

Can I help you change yours?

In a world where a simple Google search can give you hundreds of sleep consultant options to choose from… why choose me?

The simple answer is because I know that what you and your baby need is so much bigger than “just” sleep.

You are here because you want your family to thrive.

This is so much deeper than watching wake windows and tracking naps. The end goal is not a perfect routine. It isn’t even for your baby to sleep through the night. 

For me, these are all great intermediate goals.

The end goal is for your baby to be healthy, happy and well-rested so they can grow and thrive, and so you can be at your the best.

You need (lack of) sleep to stop being the centre of your universe.